Two Years Natural


I just want to take a moment to say.. TWO YEARS?! Holy wow. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was getting my hair buzzed off. I wasn’t sad to see my fragile, broken strands swept away but I was sad I didn’t have a scarf to keep the cold air off my newly exposed neck.

There are going to be so many photos in this gig. I need to one-up my one year anniversary post. Plus there’s going to be some cameos from my Big Chop buddy! My momma!

Rocco: The Early Years

I think my hair had better things to do than grow when I was younger. Legit. My hair follicles were unproductive. I rocked a mean TWA until I was like 4… and then I rocked a fluffy ‘fro. My hair took its sweet time to make an appearance and I wasn’t wearing cornrows or braids until I was about 5 or 6. No biggie. My hair had other things to do, I get it.

Throughout school I wore my hair in braids, corn rows, we hot combed my hair *cringe*, I got my hands on a curling iron and I rocked rolled out bangs like nobody’s business. Around 9 I got my first relaxer. One lady in town relaxed my hair, but it was pricey so I didn’t go very often and they didn’t sell boxed relaxers where I lived. In between I mostly flat ironed it and occasionally wore box braids.

When I moved away for college I was loving that I had access to more hair products so I relaxed my hair and then got it cut at salons. I’ve only ever had maybe two good hair cuts and one of them was at a salon in the mall. Michael only charged me $7 as a ‘bangs cut’. I tipped him well. But when I went back for another cut he was gone. *sob*

After a couple of years I realized this life was no longer for me. Now I know I wasn’t taking the best care of it. I didn’t deep condition it and I flat ironed it like crazy. After straightening it I would have a collection of matchstick strands surrounding me. Rocco was not in good shape.

I had a wise idea of trying to get it sorted out at a local hair salon. My hair dresser had no idea what he was doing and decided to wing it (and I foolishly let him). You can bet I wore my hood up leaving that salon. A couple of weeks later I lopped it all off. Two years later, here I am.

Natural Days

I still stand by the fact that my TWA was the most freeing period in all of my hair history. Washing was easy, drying was easy, moisturizing was easy. There was no detangling, no combing, no SSKs, no major bed prep. There was no blow drying, no teasing and no straightening. I barely had to do jack shit. I slept with a satin cap, and for my 6 am runs I whipped it off, suited up and was out the door. It was sooooo eeeeeasy!!! #sospoiled

Why Am I Still Natural?

This hair of mine is versatile. Sure, there are days when my hair is dry, tangled, uncooperative and makes me wanna just put a hat on. This tuft up there is so unique it makes me happy. When someone says, your hair would be so long if you straightened it. Sure, I could straighten it but then what would I do with it? It would just sit there. I feel as though my natural hair allows me to be creative and get funky and have fun with it. I find my hair matching my mood and it gives me that extra kick of funky charm 😉

Not to mention the community. The online support, suggestions, finding your hair twin, making your own hair products, tweet chats, finding a product your hair loves, this is all gold people. The encouragement, the helpful suggestions, the conversation surrounding natural hair can be so positive and so uplifting and so inspiring. You’re never alone on your journey and you’re always learning.

Rocco’s 2 Year Length Check

I find myself forgetting to do length checks. But that’s because this is just my hair now. It’s less of an experiment in hair growing and more, this is my hair. But since it has been a while I’m excited to see how Rocco’s been doing length wise.


I’m looking at about 8 inches all round. I’m not mad at that. My ends could use some dusting this spring but otherwise. Thanks for reading!! Have a great Friday!

Rocco’s Previous Milestones:

9 months natural
8 months
6 months
My natural hair story

Length Check! 19 Months!

So before winter sets in and I put Rocco away in a seasonal protective style (likely Havana twists) I thought it would be a great time to do a length check and see how far I’ve come in my 1 year and 7 months being natural.

In these pics I’m wearing my hair in a blown-out twist-out. I washed and deep conditioned my hair last weekend, blow dried, oiled and twisted it. I just wore it in twists for most of the week and took out the twists today for this look. Honestly, I failed to moisturize my twists at all for the 4 days so before I untwisted them I spritzed them with water and put shea butter on the ends. They were bouncy and soft so I think Rocco forgives me 😉

Here are some of my previous length checks at 6 months and 15 months. Rocco’s been growing 🙂

PS: If anyone has a cure for under-eye circles lemme know. I look like a panda… 😦

15.5 Months Post BC Length Check!

Length check time! It has been a while. My last length check post was back in September at 6 months post Big Chop. I washed my hair yesterday morning and decided to do a blow-out and then I decided I should do a length check for old times’ sake.

I am now 15.5 months post Big Chop. I don’t really think about length when it comes to my hair. I just do what I need to do to keep it healthy and every so often I realize I can do a new style with my length and it’s just a nice surprise.

Here it is. The photos aren’t sooo great but I did my best. I’m getting close to 7 inches pretty much all around. I think back in September I was close to 4 inches?

Length Check!!

Alright Rocco, let’s see how you’re doing. I don’t think I’ve done a length check on my blog so why not add one now. It has been 6 months and 13 days since my big chop and Rocco has been doing well. I only have one pic here but my lengths are pretty much 3.25inches all round except for the front of my hair which is a little over 4 inches. At first I was like ‘what is up with that?’ But then I remembered that when she chopped my hair she shaped it so my hair in the front was a wee bit longer. So that’s cool. I don’t mind that.
