From 21 to 10

I’ve decided to run the 10 km course instead of the half-marathon I was initially aiming for.

I have a training plan which I’ve managed to follow for two weeks but I think I hit a wall at the beginning of this week. Being out of the house for 60 hours a week doesn’t leave a lot for training (or anything really). I get home, get organized, chill and go to bed 5 days out of 7 so it can be difficult to fit anything else in. But for the first two weeks I really gave it everything and did my runs as scheduled but it was getting to me.

It started getting to me and on Thursday I really took some time to think about it. I was getting frustrated, I was getting tired, and I felt that my goal was too lofty. Now there’s nothing wrong with lofty goals but I don’t have the foundation I want to set myself up to succeed. I decided I was going to take it back a notch and go for a 10k but that I would challenge myself to make a personal best time for this 10 k. There’s a local run at the end of June that I’m going to do. It’ll show me how I’m doing for my July race.

I’ve signed up for a sub 55 min 10k training program with RunKeeper. Now I’ve already run a 55 minute 10k last summer when I was doing regular 10k runs on the weekends. If I can run a faster this go that’s awesome. And what’s great about this training plan is it incorporate interval runs which I love. It’s a good ass kick and I saw great improvement when I did intervals aiming for my 5k. I like this plan a lot better.

Just gotta get out there even on days when I’m pooped after work. It always feels great.